Organization name
The Community Group
Tax id (EIN)
857 Woodrow RoadChristiansburg, VA 24073
The Community Group, formed in 2002, is a grassroots African American organization in Montgomery County, Va. We are dedicated to the enrichment of the African American community in Montgomery County, Virginia through political action, education, leadership, and economic empowerment (community investment).
Goals and Objectives
Promote Youth Empowerment
The Community Group started and sponsored the Dialogue on Race. This grassroots program works for change to end racism against African. Americans. The group focuses on five issue areas identified by the members of the African American community. The five issue groups are:
Established in 2005, the New Mountain Climbers is the first giving circle in Virginia’s New River Valley. All of the Community Group Board members belong to the giving circle.
Organization name
The Community Group
Tax id (EIN)
857 Woodrow Road